HOW TO MAXIMIZE OUR MIND POWER TO BE CHAMPION. to maximize our mind power to be champion in life, for this interesting topic everyone wants to here we discuss the power of the mind.
                                                                                         Do you know that our mind can store huge amount of data, a study concluded that our brain can store data up to 2.5 petabytes approximately. it means 2.5  × 1024 ×1024 GB approximately. but we are using less than 10 percent of the total power of our mind memory. now the question arises here can we increase the power of our mind, if yes, then how it is possible. so here we discuss various techniques to increase the power of our mind. we have two parts of our mind, one is a conscious mind and another part called the subconscious mind. most of the action taken by us in our daily routine work and by habits by our conscious part of the mind, not by a subconscious part of the mind. mean to say that our 20 percent mind which is conscious and active part, work for us for quick decisions and 80 percent part of the mind which is subconscious which is mostly inactive, because this part of our mind take decisions later and slowly, for example, when we think more and more about something and then we take some decision then our subconscious part work for us. now the question arises here that how we can activate our subconscious part of our mind.
                                                                            cardamom is a good food or diet for our subconscious mind because of it sharp smell it is effective on our subconscious part of the mind. Another technique is yoga for mind named anlom blom process of breathing by left side of the nose and then right side of the nose turn by turn. It will activate the subconscious mind with our regular practice day by day. Another one technique is put your thumb pressure on middle of the forehead for one minute and relax and then again. repeat this process again and is also helpful to activate the subconscious part of mind.
                                 So this is the answer of that question how to maximize our mind power to be champion.



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