
Listen music and keep away depression.

Mostly peoples in this world suffering from depression, which is killing us or generating lots of diseases in the human body.  blood pressure and diabetes and more than more diseases are common results of depressions. Peoples use types of medicines for the treatment of depressions. After long-term uses of these medicines, peoples become the habitual use of these medicines. After a long time uses of medicine lots of side effects can be seen in patients. After all these medicines become harmful to our body.          Now one and simple treatment of depression is meditation. Now meditation is not easy for everyone but Meditation is a simple and useful way to keep depression away. So if you like to hear light music or classical Indian music or classical instrumental music of any type, whatever you like, it keeps us out of the depression. When you start to listen to music, try to make your full concentration on every beat of the music which is playing at that t...

Build body healthy, with the body massage with natural oils.

Is it possible that we can build body healthy with the body massage with natural oils ? Yes, we can get a healthy body with oil massage therapy.                               Because skin is larger in size and important part of our body , so all of the nutrition is not possible with diets or to eating foods for all the times. So some and important part of nutrition can be taken by skin part of the body . So body massage with oil give nutrition to our body and make our body muscles strong. Approximately half an hour before bath, body massage with any body oil gives us extra nutrition to our body. When we massage the body with oil, through pores in our skin oil entered in our body give us natural nutrition and nourish our body. This oil through pores builds body muscles strong. So massage before the bath is important for our body and health. But if someone suffering from any types of illness like body fever ...

Regulate cholesterol level, melt your belly fat with one mantra

Hello friends, We can regulate our cholesterol levels and can melt belly fat with just one mantra . If we can minimize our white sugar ( which is chemically processed) consumption, definitely we can regulate our cholesterol levels and can melt belly fat.  In place of white sugar , we can eat jaggery (gurh) , which have a natural sweetness. Do you know after every food ( breakfast, lunch, dinner ) if we take one gram of jaggery , our foods will digest within 4 hours. Now if we take half spoon of white sugar after our food, food can't digest even after 8 hours . The strength of all food will consume to digest that half spoon of white sugar. So that white sugar is to much harm to us.  It is because white sugar contains a chemical called sulphur when we eat it, it does not digest in our body. slowly it collects in our body beyond a limit in the type of fat, later it creates diseases in our body like high cholesterol level and fat belly and others types o...

Tratak or Candle gazing, technique to increase our mind power and concentration.

Image Tratak or Candle gazing is a best and easiest technique to increase our mind power and concentration . Now How we can perform, it will explain here.        In tratak , take a candle with light and keep it just distance of 1 to 1.25 meter parallel to the eyes , according to your height from the floor and make your eye contact with the light of candle continuously without the blink of an eyes. This process should be continued for five to ten minutes. It is called tratak . During this process don't blink your eyes and make your concentration on the light of the candle. It may be possible that water from your eyes comes during tratak , it means tratak working positively. Repeat this process every day continuously. You will feel that your eyes sight increasing and your concentration and reading power increasing day by day. you will be able to your routine work with concentration and calmly, and without any depression. be...

Right time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner for healthy life.

Image You should have to know about that what is the right time to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a healthy life. On the basis of the ancient Ayurveda, it gives us knowledge about, that at what time you have to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ayurveda tells us that when your digestive fire will be active, you can take your food. According to activeness of digestive fire, you can take your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.                                In Ayurveda, Guru Bhagbatt says that when the sunrise, our digestive fire get activate and slowly it starts to minimize and Once again at the time of before sunset it is at the higher rate or maximum. So according to Bhagbatt, we have to finish your breakfast before 9.30am , because at this time digestive fire at their maximum rate. Our breakfast should be heavy and healthy. After that at midday at the time...


YES IF YOU KNOW  THREE SECRETS OF HAPPY MARRIED LIFE , YOUR ALL LIFE WILL BE HEALTHY AND WEALTHY.                                                         What are these three secrets of a happy married life?  first is F, second is P, third is A. Mean FPA . here we will explain the full details of FPA.                                                          Here F stands for financial independence and stability for your partner. because of every woman want financial independence and stability, your wife doesn't want to depend upon you for their personal expenditure. she does not want to demand money from you again and again for their personal needs. so that you must h...

Use water therapy, keep doctor away and live healthy.

Use water therapy, keep the doctor away and live healthily . Yes if you will use three easy rules of water therapy, then you can live healthily and you can keep yourself away from the doctor.                                                  These three rules are, the first one is you must have drink water as much possible in the early morning when you get up from the bed. It will dissolve all alkalies from your mouth into your body, which is good for health. The second rule of water therapy is when you take food, either it is breakfast or lunch or dinner. After 45 minutes of getting food, drink a cup of hot water, it will dissolve all the fats. It will keep you healthy. The third rule of water therapy is drink water always in sit position not drink when you in the standing position. Otherwise, if you drink water in standing position, it will be harmful...