HOW TO LOOK YOUNGER IN OLD AGE. wants to know that HOW TO look younger in old age days. YES, it is possible if you can change your habits and daily routine. here we will discuss three habits of the daily routine.
                                                                                                    FIRST is an early wake up in the morning before sunrise for a younger look in old age. wake up in the early morning give us positive energy, After that regular exercise or yoga or morning walk for one to two hours daily make us younger in old ages days. because after twenty years of age body growth stops, so if we do not make a routine of daily exercise or yoga etc. our body cannot be fit and our digestion system will not work properly and our immunity system become weak. so daily exercise is necessary for our life.
                                                                                                     SECONDE answer of how to look younger in old age days, is our eating habits in a daily routine that means whatever we are eating in our daily diet, is it healthy food or unhealthy food. so we must have to think before eating any food, is that healthy or unhealthy, ALSO you must have to make a timetable for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. because of timetable important here. MOST important dinner time. you should have finished your dinner before 7pm. if you eat dinner late at night it will be the reason for many diseases in our body. At night our stomach should be in the relaxed mood for the next day is also important for our heart to keep healthy.
                                                                                                    The THIRD habit for look younger in old age is daily meditation, it keeps our mind healthy. because today life is very stressful, so this stressful life has lots of bad effects on our health. but meditation keeps us away from these bad effects of stressful life. so it is a type of yoga for our mind. our mind creates an important role in our body and also in life. so after wake up in the early morning and go to bed at the night, we must have made habits of meditation in daily routine.
                                                                                                    THESE THREE habits are helpful to find out the answer of how to look younger in old ages days. HOW TO LOOK YOUNGER IN OLD AGE.


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