what do you like to eat? Vegetarians or nonvegetarians food, In daily routines you must have heard from your friends and family members. Now the question is, who are you. Vegetarians or nonvegetarian.
                                                               Do you know that in the 19th century approximately 75 to 80 percent population of India was vegetarians?  In the 20th century, 70 to 75 percent of the total population of India is now nonvegetarians. Do you know about nonvegetarian foods how much toxins produce in our body which is the cause of different types of cancers and blockages in the artery and in others part of the body? Do you know a person who is nonvegetarian have chances 23 times more to get ill than a vegetarian person? Because of nonvegetarians food at the age of 30 or 35, peoples are getting the heart attack, eye side demolished and acidity level increasing so much harms to our body. We are increasing violence for our living, we are killing innocent animals in slaughterhouses for the production of a large amount of meat. Do you know that our environment and the ozone layer is damaging because of  EPW ( Einstein pains waves)?
                    EPW is Einstein pain waves and energy that produce in the environment by killing animals and violence on Earth based on Albert Einstein theory, it is the type of negative energy like pollution produced in our environment. On the other hand, vegetarian food produced by plants may be fruit and veggies ripes, we pluck it from trees and plants otherwise some fruit and vegetables itself after ripes will get on Earth and finally come into our plate. So here no visible violence. At last, we can say that vegetarian food better than nonvegetarian food. It also saves the environment and humanity. So to be healthy and wealthy be vegetarian in life.


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